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Danor Foundation for Education Advancement in Memory of Shai Danor

What is 3D Printing?

3D printing production technology is gaining momentum in recent years and makes it possible to print real physical items (a single item), based on the individual design of the printer and the unique ideas of the designer. Production is based on the technology of adding material layer by layer from a digital design file until you receive the final model.

3D printers are changing the manufacturing processes and are revolutionizing large parts of various industries.
Today anyone can have a 3D printer at home, and effortlessly print parts and tools, fix toys, design and model an idea into reality.
3D printing has been referred to as a “new industrial revolution” because of the depth and scope of its impact on a wide range of ideas:


  • Medical Space

  • Aerospace

  • Food Industry

  • Games

  • Prototypes

© The Foundation for Education Advancement in Memory of Shai Danor 2015

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